is the general Budapest Bath Guide for tourists, expats and foreign visitors.
You can contact us for further questions in the following ways:
Email: info [at ]
We get many bath inquiries, and usually respond to emails within 24 hours. Thank you for your understanding.
For massage booking in Szechenyi Bath or Gellert Bath, please use the online booking forms. Currently we offer online tickets and massage booking only in the two top Budapest baths.
Booking Szechenyi Baths Booking Gellert BathsPhone: 00 – 36 – 1- 452 -4500
The country code of Hungary is 36, then comes the city code of Budapest (1). Please follow the instructions in the phone menu.
Address: 38 Nepfurdo Street Budapest, H-1138
The postal address of Budapest Thermal Baths company (Budapest Gyogyfurdoi es Hevizei Co.) is in District XIII, Budapest.
Good evening
I would like to ask if you remain open during January month please? if yes what is normal charge to use sauna / steam / bath please?
We would like to buy the combo ticket which includes full-day access to spa + Danube river Cruise.
If we buy this one, does it mean the Cruise and the access to thee spa must be used on t’he same day? Or would It be possible to go one day on the Cruise and the next day go to thee baths?
Thanks and regards,
Dear Sílvia,
Thank you for your inquiry.
The Bath and Cruise package can be booked for separate days as well.
We have sent you an email with further details.
Have a nice stay in Budapest!