Contact is the general Budapest Bath Guide for tourists, expats and foreign visitors.

Baths Budapest
Baths Budapest

You can contact us for further questions in the following ways:

Email: info [at ]

We get many bath inquiries, and usually respond to emails within 24 hours. Thank you for your understanding.

For massage booking in Szechenyi Bath or Gellert Bath, please use the online booking forms. Currently we offer online tickets and massage booking only in the two top Budapest baths.

Booking Szechenyi Baths Booking Gellert Baths

Phone:  00 – 36 – 1- 452 -4500

The country code of Hungary is 36, then comes the city code of Budapest (1). Please follow the instructions in the phone menu.

Address: 38 Nepfurdo Street Budapest, H-1138

The postal address of Budapest Thermal Baths company (Budapest Gyogyfurdoi es Hevizei Co.) is in District XIII, Budapest.


  1. Hi,
    I have booked a group booking for the szechenyi baths today via a payment link, after emailing Andrea, but I have not recieved a booking confirmation or the tickets. Please can you send me the tickets and confirmation as soon as possible.

  2. Hello, is it possible to use the same ticket seperately during the day, e.g. buy a ticket for Gellert bath and use it in the morning, then leave and come back in the afternoon with the same ticket?

    • Hello Paulina,
      I am afraid entry tickets are single passes, so it is not possible to check-in and come back later on the same day with the same tickets.
      It would be possible to go to the spa, buy the massages and entries but not check in- and come back later to use your tickets and your appointment.
      I hope this helps.

  3. Hello,
    I am looking to book the rudas bistro pass for Dec 9 but can not find a link to book. Could you direct me to someone for booking?

  4. Hi, I’m hoping you can help. I booked the Rudas baths last night, under the assumption I could share the experience with my girlfriend for her birthday. I have tried to call but have been unable to get through to someone.

    As a result of this I will not be attending the Rudas, and instead will be booking tickets to Széchenyi for today. Is there any way at all you can help me with a refund to cover at least some of the wasted cost?

    Really appreciate any help you can give us.

    Thank you,

  5. I need to change the given email address there was a typing error and do I don’t have my confirmation email for the tickets I have bought.

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