Contact is the general Budapest Bath Guide for tourists, expats and foreign visitors.

Baths Budapest
Baths Budapest

You can contact us for further questions in the following ways:

Email: info [at ]

We get many bath inquiries, and usually respond to emails within 24 hours. Thank you for your understanding.

For massage booking in Szechenyi Bath or Gellert Bath, please use the online booking forms. Currently we offer online tickets and massage booking only in the two top Budapest baths.

Booking Szechenyi Baths Booking Gellert Baths

Phone:  00 – 36 – 1- 452 -4500

The country code of Hungary is 36, then comes the city code of Budapest (1). Please follow the instructions in the phone menu.

Address: 38 Nepfurdo Street Budapest, H-1138

The postal address of Budapest Thermal Baths company (Budapest Gyogyfurdoi es Hevizei Co.) is in District XIII, Budapest.


  1. Hi, is Friday night (22-04) at Rudas also male only? Thank you.

  2. Good evening,

    I am contacting you because we are a group of 20 French students coming to Budapest in November.
    Also, we would like to book 20 tickets for the party of november the 8th. Is it possible to book 20 tickets for this date ?
    What is more, we would like to know if it is possible to get a group price since we are a lot of students ?

    Thank you,



    • Hi Charlotte, yes, you can buy the party tickets in Lukacs Baths (while you can, it is a smaller bath house so it will be more easily full of guests). Currently there is no group discount for the party.

  3. Hello
    We were wondering which of the baths have men’s and women’s swimsuits for rent?

    Thank you in advance!


    • Hello Bill, all of the thermal baths have swimwear rental facilities but the process is currently cumbersome, not really recommended (easier to carry a lightweight swimwear in the suitcase)

    • Hello Bill, the major baths in Budapest all have rental services including mens and womens swim suits, but the rental process is a nuisance, complex and includes a highly priced cash deposit in Hungarian Forint. Apart from these drawbacks you can rent a swimwear just prepare with some extra cash (approx. HUF 5000 per person) in Forint, the local currency when renting. Or bring your own. Also, there are private vendors selling swimsuits in the main hall e.g. in Gellert Bath or Szechenyi Bath.

  4. Hello,

    I’m travelling to budapest the week-end of 16-17-18 january for a bachelorette party.

    We absoluted wanted to go to a winter bath party. Do you have the schedull for 2015? I really hope there is going to be a party we came just for that.

  5. Hi,

    I’m coming to Budapest on the weekend of the 9th of August – do I need to butya ticket to the bath party before I come? Or can I buy it whilst I’m in Budapest? Also what makes Cinetrip parties different to regular bath parties?

    Thank you


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